The scene on the Predator homeworld where Wolf is alerted to what has happened has been cut out. In one of the leaked storyboards, we saw the scout ship docked inside the mothership with Predators moving Facehuggers onto the ship.

I suppose at least the new opening fixes the continuity issues with AvP though it’s not as good as what was storyboarded originally. Following that, there’s a longer sequence showing the Predalien removing the dead skin from where it had molted from the Chestburster stage. This is where the scout ship disconnects from the mothership and heads back to Earth. Then the movie cuts to the mothership flying past the planet Saturn. The film starts off with the Predalien Chestburster emerging from Scar on the mothership. The opening in the Unrated cut isn’t that different from the Theatrical version, to be honest. Other than that, I think many fans will be disappointed with the Unrated version. One scene which is worth checking out is where the Predator is in the crashed scout ship. They don’t really add anything new to the story either way. They are really things that should have been in the theatrical version to start with. Most of the material listed here only lasts for a few seconds and are usually just short extensions of existing scenes.

This article covers the differences between the Theatrical and Unrated versions of AvP Requiem.